Pe buasai fil/mil o fydoedd

(Effeithiau marwolaeth y groes - Rhan I)
Pe buasai fil o fydoedd
  Yn cael eu prynu 'nghyd,
A'r cyfryw bris, buasent
  Yn llawer iawn rhy ddrud:
'Does angel fyth, na seraph,
  Na cherub o un rhyw,
I'r filfed ran all ddwedyd
  Mor werthfawr gwaed fy Nuw.

Mae tân o fewn i fynwes
  Myrddiynau pur y nef,
Rhyw newydd fflam wrth feddwl
  Am werth ei angeu ef,
Yn attal eu caniadau
  Wrth synu oll yn un,
I wel'd eu Duw yn dioddef
  A marw yn natur dyn. 

O! na allwn innau'r awrhon
  Ehedeg fyny fry,
A dysgu rhyw ganiadau
  Sydd gan y nefol lu,
Fel byddai cydsain hyfryd
  Rhwng dae'r a nef yn un;
Caniadau anfeidroldeb
  Marwolaeth Duw yn ddyn.

Am angeu'r groes
    bydd canu
  I dragwyddoldeb maith;
Ond im gael teimlo'i rinwedd,
  'Rwyf bron ar ben fy nhaith;
Fy nefoedd yw ei deimlo,
  A'i deimlo'n union sydd
Yn troi pob rhyw dywyllwch
  O'm mewn yn oleu ddydd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Culmstock (<1825)
Manheim (H L Hassler / J S Bach)
Meriba (<1825)
Mount Street (John Roberts 1822-77)
St Thomas's (<1825)

  Rhan I/II - Pwy ddyry im falm o Gilead?
  Rhan II/III - Anfeidrol fyth anfeidrol
  Rhan III/IV - Gwell ganddo na halogi
  Rhan IV/V - Mae'r fath feddyliau mawrion
  Fe gododd Haul Cyfiawnder
  O enw ardderchocaf

(The effects of the death of the cross - Part 1)
If there had been thousands of worlds
  Getting redeemed together,
With the whole price, they would have been
  Very much too costly:
There is no angel ever, nor seraph,
  Nor cherub of any kind,
For the thousandth part to be able to be told
  How valuable the blood of my God.
There is a fire within the breast
  Of myriads of pure ones of heaven,
Some new flame on thinking
  About the worth of his death,
Stopping their songs
  While surprising all as one,
To see their God suffering
  And dying in the nature of man.

O that I too could now
  Fly up above,
And learn some songs
  Which the heavenly host have,
Thus there would be a delightful chorus
  Between earth and heaven as one;
Songs of the immeasurability
  Of the death of God as man.

About the death of the cross
    there will be singing
  For a vast eternity;
But for me to get to feel its virtue,
  I am almost at the end of my journey;
My heaven is to feel it,
  And to feel directly that which is
Turning every kind of darkness
  Within me into the light of day.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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